Neil messaged this morning inviting me out for an unexpected pre-birthday meal.  So we met at 1.30pm at The Harry Clasper ( Wetherspoons ) in the village.  Ordering and paying was easy - via the app at your table.  We sat outside and it was very pleasant as the weather was lovely.  I had the small fish and chips.  The normal sized fish and chips is huge so I knew a small one would be fine - and it was.  I did leave room for a choc brownie and ice cream for pud.  Neil chose mixed grill.  ( see Extra shot ). We had a lovely time.  He's promised me another meal out next week when Rachael will be able to accompany us.

Next door to Wetherspoons is the Bay Horse pub and they recently put out lots of colourful flags in advance of the 2021 Euro football tournament ( postponed from 2020 ) This runs from June 11th to July 11th. As the Wide Wednesday theme is " colourful" I thought the flags would fit the brief.  ( You can also see Neil in the shot - on the right in white.  Hes on his way walking home).  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting

Musical link  Flying The Flag-  by Scooch  ( this was the UK entry for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 )

I came straight home and finished off my packing,  Then I sat outside in the sunshine  with Tino and Lily.  Its 9 years ago today that I got them. They are still as crazy and boisterous as ever.  I have added an Extra.

So Im off to Sussex tomorrow.  I will be able to post my blips using my phone but I think my comments on your journals may be few and far between .  I will play catch up when I get home.

Steps today - 8,085

CORONA CLASSIC - Symphony of Silence - played by David Garrett (Official UEFA Europa League Anthem)

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