The Little Red House

A Happy Child

My house is red - a little house;

A happy child am I.

I laugh and play the whole day long,

I hardly ever cry.

I have a tree, a green, green tree,

To shade me from the sun;

And under it I often sit,

When all my play is done.

An appalling day weather-wise, grey, wet, muggy so I have been slaving over a blog and Himself has been painting and reading. A quick yomp out had to be taken and although grey it was very still and quiet.The skies may be grey but there is plenty of colour everywhere else especially in the hedgerows and in this little red house - close up of enthusiastic growth at its base. Compare with the pennyworts a bit further on, blasted with a prodigious amount of round-up. I don't get it.
Thanks to BobsBlips  for doing the business.

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