Dr. Girlfriend - A Portrait

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Here she is. Isn't she pretty?

Dr. Girlfriend has gone from being a scaredycat to a loving little kitty. She walks up to me now with confidence and gives BIG nudgies.

As for me, I felt flat and uninspired today. Yesterday was quite tiring and I just wanted to stay in bed. But I had things to do so promised myself a coffee and went in.

And as usual the team came through. Fazzy lifted my spirits and then so did Ellie and Aubrey.

(Ellie was working from home and in our online meeting, absent mindedly sniffed her daughter's nappy. Ellie's reaction face was hilarious).

And now I am heading home, listening to 10,000 Maniacs with a song in my heart and a skip in my step.

"You are the wind beneath my wings," I told Fazzy.

I know she secretly agrees really.


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