A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Blowin’ in the Wind

We’re celebrating sun here today. Everything is waterlogged from several days of rain. Even the breeze is helping to dry things out. Rather than work in a wet garden we decided to run a couple of errands instead. It felt good to be out and about after being holed up for three days • The birds were busy eating and bringing food back to their nests but getting a decent picture of any of them wasn’t possible today. I did see a chipmunk but Newt was outside too. Although unseen by me she was likely nearby watching. I purposely walked away from the cherry tree to draw her attention away from Mister Chips • Four squirrels were in various places around the yard and I rather liked this one. He was balancing himself on top of a very small feeder, his fluffy tail blowing in the wind, sometimes to the left, then to the right • My thoughts are with jennyg and euniceM this day.

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