
Ann had an eye test this afternoon, I followed later into Stratford and we had a coffee on the pedestrianised High Street at Bardias at the entrance to Bell Court.  It has been a lovely warm, sunny day. We had lunch and tea outside, spotting a rainbow coloured effect at the edge of one of the fleecy clouds, it looked better through dark glasses.

With H&M and Debenhams both closed and empty at Bell Court at the moment their windows have been taken over by Escape Arts, the Stratford based charity.  Debenhams have a collection of oversized book-ends of well known books, created and painted at their workshop.  Across the way at H&M  they have a large collection of hand painted stones of various sizes.  One in particular caught my eye, partly because it is yellow and very small, ideal for today's Tiny Tuesday hosted by Pinkhairedlady, but also the wording as Luna, who has featured in a few of my blips over the last two or three years, is the name of my daughter Emma's dog, a lovable Cockapoo.

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