Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Meccano 101

Have you ever wondered how they put together those huge cranes?  Well here is your answer.  First of all bolt you upright structure and set it in several swimming pools worth of concrete as far down as you can go.   Then, bring in a baby crane and hoist up and attach all the other bits.   You can see if you look closely a couple of men on the end of the horizontal structure joining it with another piece.   We were watching them closely this afternoon as I couldn't see them wearing safety harnesses.

This is the apartment block going up across the road from work.   The building we are in was the first one in the area about 9 years ago.  It's a very different place now.

I know of a crane from this very company, Titan, that collapsed some years ago in North Sydney when three people fell tied onto the horizontal and were smashed into a neighbouring building.  They were lucky to come out of it alive I think and a couple had very serious injuries.

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