Tuesday: Flight Details
This evening I decided to fritter my time away do something useful and update my flight book.
Rather embarassingly, I have kept a list of all the flights I have ever taken since August 1980, when I was 12. I did fly a bit before that but that is when I started keeping records. I went to boarding school and my parents lived abroad. I then got a job, which I still have, which has involved quite a lot of travelling so the flights have just clocked up over the years.
Since I started my book, I have flown 492 times. Flight 100 was New York - Frankfurt, number 200 was Vienna - London, number 300 was London - Geneva and number 400 was Shanghai - Beijing. At the moment, I have no idea where number 500 will be to.
I realise this all makes me sound a bit.......well..........sad.
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