
I figured out what was wrong with my camera...... The other day I tried out the double exposure feature and forgot to take it off.
Today I emptied and reorganized the bathroom closet and drawers.
Went to the cemetery again and worked on Jim's headstone. It's 4 ft tall and 2 ft wide. I bought up all my washing gear and cleaned it. It's made of Jade and I need to find a product that will bring out the shine again. Any ideas would be wonderful. 
EXTRA SIDE NOTE.... Emilie showed me a big presentation board that her work made with her picture and all about her schooling and future goals with college.
She had a section where they wrote...Emilie sites her Mom ad Grandma as the most inspirational people in her life, as they have always supported her through everything , and have been by her side every step of the way....
Brought tears to my eyes. 
My goal was to be the best Grandma and this makes me feel like I was to her.

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