Saturday: Waffles Deluxe

In line with the fact that we can now see people we’ve had quite the social day.  We started off with breakfast at ‘Medina’ with Niniane and Joel.  I used to work with Niniane but then she left to take up another position - if truth be told, I’ve never quite forgiven her as she was’s been well over a year since we saw them and we had a great time catching up.  We also had our first man hug in over a year which was lovely - Joel gives good hugs.

They also solved a mystery that’s been driving us crazy.  We were talking about what we’ve been reading and I mentioned enjoying Barack Obama’s book.  I then mused, in a slightly ponderous manner, that we used to have Michelle Obama’s autobiography but had no idea where it got to, which was annoying as surely the Obamas deserved to sit on a shelf together.  Niniane immediately said ‘we’ve got it’......turns out I lent it to them several years ago, of which I have absolutely no recollection.  Usually I have a mind like a steel trap when it comes to who I’ve lent books to.  Anyway, mystery solved.......and they’ve promised to return it soon.  

And then tonight we went over to Pam & Joy’s for our first get together in forever.  As usual we had a great time, and got to meet Joy’s mum and sister who were also there........

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