
We have been flooded with memories these past few days as we helped Jessica straighten and clear out things. We were struck by all the clothes the kids had. Oh my! She will be able to bless so many with these precious clothes! Memories of past good times with Matt and the children, but also, new memories were made. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster but, once again, Father God has provided the love and support we need. It has not been easy. It is so very hard. I will not pretend it isn’t. But Jessica’s church family provided pizza for us one day and our niece opened her home to us and they cooked for us every night. The sadness is balanced by such gratefulness and grace.
In the collage: The Rumikub grudge match ( played with the Starwars theme blaring :—) with Josh! Yes, I Won!! Logan played with a little flying ball thing, rode on the lawnmower with Papa J, and ate steak!
Another step toward moving on was taken
And bonds were strengthened. For that, we are humbly grateful.
Be blessed!

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