
I think we're about to receive a deluge of rain over the next couple of days. For now it's just wet, as in 3mm of rain.

On a miserable day there's a few bright things in my back yard. Of note the leptospermum, back left, thinks it's spring and is coming into blossom. I hope that it copes with reality and blossoms with splendour in spring.

Twice today I locked the cat door because I had a piwakawaka (fantail) visit my garden. He/she checked out all my natives in the back garden. What a joy to see and hear.

Jasper noticed it too and was dead keen to pursue it. Not on my watch buddy. I try to convince him that birdies are our friends, especially the native ones.

Today's gratitude: For managing a 3km walk/trot with no I'll-effects to my brain.

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