A Little Bit More Sun

We did get a bit of sun today.
In amidst the howling icy gales, snow, arctic freezingness and general crazy weather!
Miss L woke up early, crying because her foot hurt.
Jumping off the windowsill, on to the trampoline and then catapulting off on to the floor in a heap over and over again last night while Papa was babysitting might have had something to do with it.....
And she's snotty and generally feeling very sorry for herself so after dropping Miss E off we came back and snuggled on the sofa under her duvet watching Boosty and the Beast (as she calls it).
She seemed to have failed to grasp the basic idea of it, asking me halfway through "which one's Boosty and which one's the Beast?"*
So it was a lazy day. Lovely!
And it felt like a feast day after my meagre 500 calorie allowance yesterday: I had a couple of hot cross buns for breakfast, cheese on toast for lunch and, woohoo, a couple of Mr K's secret stash of biscuits!

*She seemed to have it cracked by the second viewing!!

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