Busy Day, but fabulous
Set off this morning around 8.45 and arrived in Brecon, Wales, about 1hr 45min later. I'd joined up with half a dozen riders that I'd caught up with just about 5 miles out of Brecon. Joined up with another couple of dozen but when the ride stared from the big RV point there must have been about 800+ bikes.
Lots of people lined the roads all the way along and the police were fabulous. Stopping traffic at junctions and roundabouts so we could all get through without staggering the group.
I thought I'd have to refuel on the way back but 146 miles round trip and my fuel light didn't even come on, nice to know that I can probably travel best part of 200 miles on a full tank.
I was the only one from Gloucester that attended the protest ride but it was well worth the journey, the more attention we can get for this the better.
Oh, better tell you what it is if you haven't already guessed from past Blips.
We are protesting at the lack of action from the UK government over the Northern Ireland judicary prosecuting British soldiers that served in Northern Ireland during the 30+ year conflict. We were sent there as peacekeepers, Tony Blair, and others, signed a peace agreement (Good Friday Agreement) giving the IRA murderers, bombers, kidnappers, torturers, immunity from prosecution for their crimes. The ones that were in jail were let out with letters of pardon.
The British troops were not mentioned in this agreement so now, 50 years later, 70 odd year old veterans are being dragged through the courts because they shot some people during those 30+ years. Google the statistics if you'd like to know how many people the IRA murdered, many bodies still not found, and how many the British troops were responsible for.
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