
Yesterday we read 'Life with Archie's BLIP'. He'd been walking in the grounds of the Astley Ainsley Hospital and was Blipped walking 'off lead' through a 'forest'?!!!

Mmmmmm....................... we walk through the Astley Ainsley Hospital regularly. …..........Usually when I'm en-route to Blackford Hill or the Hermitage, but I'm NEVER allowed off my lead and we NEVER knew that there was this really fabby woodland little walk where I could roam free.

Obviously once Ann had seen Archie's Blip; we had to go and investigate where he'd been.

To be honest the woodland walk isn't that long. I was probably only off my lead for about 5 mins. But that's 5 mins longer than I usually get when I'm walking through the ground of the Astley Ainsley hospital. #happydays

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