Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2344. Charcoal drawing

I spotted a similar (but much better!) picture of the bridges in a local gallery window a couple of weeks ago…so I bought some canvas drawing paper and some stretched canvasses to try and emulate this one and another one of a New York street.
The original one was done in charcoal so I decided to try it in charcoal using the canvas paper and I’m quite pleased with the result! I don’t use charcoals much as they’re so messy and I’ve set this one with hairspray….a trick I remembered from art school many moons ago.

I am going to do a larger canvas of this one and the New York street possibly as gifts as I never hang my own art work at home!  The family are far too kind to refuse to hang my stuff so a present always makes me feel happier as I know they will put it up somewhere!  I’m going to do the street one for my friend for her birthday later in the year and I’m going to try and get an easel as I prefer to work with the canvas propped up.

I’m not at all confident about it but I’m going to try!

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