
By jennyg

Another Clematis in the Garden

Thank you so very much for all the very kind words and thoughts you have sent me this is so very helpful, and supportive.

Yesterday I went with my niece to Sunrise Centre Oncology, to discuss what they can and cannot do, my niece did such a good job of taking notes and also asking questions.

They said the type of cancer I have cannot be treated with hormone therapy and a couple of others.

What they can do is give me a one off session of radiotherapy. I am going next week to have a another CT scan this they call a Sim Scan they will be able to find out exactly they best place to sap me on my back, they will mark the place with a small tattoo, when this is done I will then be going back in a few day to have the treatment. This the consultant said will help with the pain I am having and also will help the bone regrow. 
They have also arranged for me to have an injection of calcium every 4 weeks by the acute home care team, they will come to me, this will help strengthen my bones. Late evening I spoke to one of that team.

They are two types of chemo therapy they do, ordinary  and immunotherapy therapy. They will be sending  the biopsy I have already had to a lab to test it, to see if  I would be responsive  to the immunotherapy. I will go back to see the consultant in 2 weeks they then will know which type I can have.

So I will now have time to think about the chemo, the immunotherapy is less invasive, so I am hoping I will be able to have this.

I asked the difficult question and also ask the consultant to be honest with me, he said it is always very hard to predict, but he gave be what he called the middle of what it could be, I could have less time on more. 

If I do not take up the ordinary chemo therapy, he said I would have less than a year, if I had the ordinary therapy it could be one and a half years, if I and responsive  to the immunotherapy it could be two years.

I am very pleased I could go so quickly to speak to the consultant, I am the sort of person that wants to know what ever it happens to be, now I know where I am going and I can make choice of what I will do, I feel with the chemo I should try this as if I do not I will never know what it would be like. This is   an infusion once a week for three weeks then one week off and then you go again for I do not know how long for. This is the only way I will know if I can tolerate it or not. I am already thinking of the quality of life, so I now have two weeks to think things through.

I must say already I am getting so very much support from my family and friends I do feel in a good place as I know I will have all the love and care there is and also from the hospital as well

Regarding Blip I am on my 9th year of posting an image and I have not missed a day, so as you can imagine I will be carrying on as long as I can, it may well be as time goes on I will not be able to write one your journals every day,  but I will still be enjoying looking at your images,  and reading what is going on in your lives and leaving you a star. 

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