Gromit Says Hi

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Shenée was a bit down today. She actually warned me she was feeling grumpy, and was definitely not herself. Subdued and low energy. 

This week has worn her down a little. While the enthusiasm and warmth of most of our colleagues this week has been great, the hostility and pettiness of the idiot minority has sapped her strength. 

"I don't care anymore, I just don't f***ing care," she said about the Auckland site who were so rude to us on Monday. They were kicking off again today, apparently out of spite. 

I wanted to cheer her up and so I told her how much working for her had changed my life. That might sound dramatic, but it's true. I've really never enjoyed work before. Not like this anyway. I loved all of your company and I liked being with you, but the work itself was always pointless and stupid, soul-sucking and energy-draining.

To prove my point, let's take a real, actual, I swear I am not kidding look at my blip from last year, shall we?

28th May 2020
Today my job managed to get right up my @rsehole. Like RIGHT up there. Like I was being pegged by food safety verification software. 

And I got no support from Smock. Quite the reverse. And crap like that tired me out. 

And consequently I never wanted to do anything with Caro at the weekend because that was my "recovery time".

But not anymore. I think because Shenée allows me to be who I really am. She positively encourages it. Now going to work is a joy. I actually look forward to seeing everyone. And when I get home I might sometimes be physically tired but I'm happy. I've got so much more time for Caro. I just want to hug my lovely wife and take her out and talk to her and hang out with our friends and do all the things. 

It's a huge change. And it has taken me quite by surprise. 

I credit Shenée for Fazzy too. 

Fazzy was such a proper, professional lady when I first met her. Now she's this rude, hilarious, amazing, cheeky woman. That would never have happened outside of the hothouse environment of friendliness and fun that Shenée created. 

To put a smile on Shenée's face, I showed her yesterday's blip entry and especially Amy's comment about her. It seemed to work. She read two entries and laughed until her stomach hurt. 

She doesn't do much social media, she told me, because people online can be so mean. 

But it made her happy that there are people on the other side of the world that she has never met, who like her just for her. 

And she says, "hi". 


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