20 Years On

A very emotional day. We were one of the lucky families whose son came home. I still remember it as though it was yesterday. Watching the whole thing unfold on T.V. with my parents. My husband out playing golf. No word until the evening. Some local people called them in and told them to phone their parents. Mobile phones were not a part of every day life then.
Dan was 17 and there via his brothers season ticket. Gareth was in Germany as part of his degree course. My friend's son was there with Dan.
The two boys did not find each other for over 3 hours. Dan was one of the people you see on shots of people being pulled up by people up above.. Tim somehow got over the fence. It only dawned on him weeks later how he had got up and over that fence. Quite a traumatic realisation.
It changed Dan's view of life and we were sorry we could not be with him yesterday.

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