Catastrophic Failure
My new toy broke first time out.
We first flew it on Monday and I was so impressed with the stability and controllability compared with any of the other kites we’ve had recently – I was delighted! Even in a moderate breeze it was controllable and possible to do loops and other tricks easily…
Then we crashed it. This is something I must have done hundreds of times with my ‘80s vintage kite with never any more than the odd scuff mark, and is I think a natural part of learning to do stunts (although clearly best avoided where possible). This wasn’t a high speed power dive onto a hard surface, this was a relatively gentle impact onto grass and heather. I didn’t think anything of it until I got to the kite to re-launch it and found it utterly wrecked.
About 4” of the main vertical fiberglass pole had splintered into a dozen pieces, with enough force that it split the nylon sail!
I really don’t expect a relatively low speed impact on grass and heather to do that kind of damage, and my 80's version of this kite had hundreds of similar or in some cases far worse impacts over the years with no damage let alone such a catastrophic failure of a key component!
I've sent pictures to the manufacturer and I'm hoping this was a manufacturing defect and they will replace it...
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