Soldier #2

There are two of these memorial sculptures in the town and I know I've blipped the one by the churchyard. I don't think I've done this one though. I liked the way the sun was making a nice golden backdrop on the wall of the house in the background. I had to crop it down to avoid the bins (bin day tomorrow, I just put ours out). I can't get the blip community pages to load at the moment so I'm not sure what the Abstract Thursday theme is. Looking at other blips it might be simplicity, so this might be OK.

This morning I had my dental appointment. Good and bad news. It was good that I saw our usual dentist as she is really nice. Bad in that their IT system was down so they couldn't process any X-rays. I have to go back again next week. The problem tooth will probably have to come out so that's more bad news.

One year ago
Speckled Wood?
I note that on this day last year I bought 3 litres of fuel for the mower. It's just run out, so that is pretty much exactly 3 litres used in a year.

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