
My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Today was another very busy day on Project Gromit. But as I said to someone, it is the "good kind of busy". I feel like I am doing good work and contributing, and my team seems to appreciate what I do.

"Make me your document slave," I told the technical people because writing blah blah blah technical docs to get projects over the line is what I do. 

Ollie seemed grateful. "I've written some notes on the support model," he explained. "But I think the support manager might have issues with it. I need to put a form of words in there to make it sound more appealing."

"Don't worry, I can sell it to him. I'm a right greasy little bastard when I need to be," I explained.

It's a skillset. Don't minimise it. 

As for Fazzy and Shenée, they continue their mock-feud for my affections. I came in this morning to find that Shenée had drawn a heart around our names and took great pleasure in adding the broken pieces of Fazzy's heart below. 

Fazzy didn't mess about with her addition to this lovely picture. 

As you can see. 

The hilarious thing about this is that Fazzy seems so proper. To the point where Caro apologised for saying "f***" in front of her. 

"I get that a lot," said Fazzy. "They have no idea."

I do. She is FILTHY. But she looks so sweet. 

Although actually, the sweetness is real too. She came up behind Shenée later in the day and gave her a big hug, apropos of nothing. It was just lovely. And Shenée was clearly touched by the gesture. She closed her eyes and sighed. 

"Ahhhhhh frrrrrrrenemies...." she breathed. 

Is it any wonder I love this pair of doodles? 


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