Bumble Bee Flyby
When I got back home yesterday, it was nice to see so many of the flowers in the backyard blooming. This afternoon I took some time to grab a few shots, but the bees flying around the Rhododendron captured my attention and this one (relatively in focus) gets the blip nod for the day. And, What a day it is.
It appears that this blip marks ten years of photos here on the blip. Even though the 10 year calendar mark was in Feb., it still seems hard to believe that 10 years of my life is here, represented in photos. Heck, my kids have grown up here!!
I don't have time to go back though and pick out highlights, but some of my past balloon days are noted in my profile.
I have learned a ton about photography from all of you blippers! I enjoy all of the photos I see from around the world, and as I read the words that accompany them, I realize the world is a lot smaller than we think it is.
God bless you friends! I don't comment as much as I should, but I see your photos. I don't post consistently enough, but I still try to take a photo every day. Sometimes, that EB forces a blip of creativity!
If you've made it this far, thanks for hanging in. Keep up the good work, blip friends. We've got a pretty good thing going on here!
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