Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Just a Monday

While I was looking for something to blip, the dogs raced around the garden like nutters, pretending to hunt for lizards, which is their third favourite sport. 
Baldrick's first and second  favourite sports are  Parkour and bone chasing. 
Grace doesn't understand these games and isn't physically suitable anyway,  since she doesn't have hinges on her front legs and doesn't know how to bounce off walls. 
On the other hand, she is very good at herding Baldrick who has become her surrogate sheep. He is not at all happy about that, but hard luck.
He, being 50% border collie, would also love to herd her, but can't since she is much larger and too dignified, so he herds us instead, by biting us on the ankles, we being even larger but less dignified, evidently.

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