
By Shutterlag

You never know what you're gonna get!

I say, " I'm going out to see if I can get a blip"
She says "I've never heard it called that before"!
I say " What?"
SS " Taking the dog for a walk"
IS " We haven't got a dog"
SS "Exactly "
IS "Eh?"
SS. "I suppose you will be going past the Barn Owl "
IS. " I won't be going past the Barn Owl"
SS. " I Dont believe you"
IS . " Trust me , I wont go past the barn Owl"

I'm as good as my word, I didn't go past!
And inside was a Hill Billy band called "Northern Connection" Practising.
Every Monday night , apparently.
So, Life is like a box of chocolates afterall....

And I didn't get in to trouble either!

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