A couple of books I bought recently...

I have borrowed them from the library in the past but when they came up for sale at a good price I bought them
The Fief of Sark is particularly interesting giving Sark’s history from 1565 when it had been uninhabited for many years. Letters Patent were granted by Queen Elizabeth 1 on 6 August 1565 and 40 Tenements were created and settled by forty families from Jersey.
My ancestors were one of the original settlers though my line runs through younger sons rather than straight down the Tenement holders. 
La Ville Roussel de Bas was the original house built by the Le Feuvre family and the Tenement was held by them right up until 1960 when Florence Emily Le Feuvre sold it. The antiquity of the Le Feuvre family ‘s tenancy was so great that no documentary proof of ownership existed. 

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