rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

there aint nowt cheerier

than returning home to a bunch of daffs from mum's garden :-)
today was a bit of a mix..ranging from foul monday moods, to complete comedy! highlight of the day - i confronted a woman i heard bitching about me! hahaha! haven't done that in ages! she was bitching, not because i had done anything wrong, it was because i hadn't given her a full explanation of what i was up to and she wanted to know! little did she know that i was just behind the wall where she was having a good rant to cute guy in the office - who incidentally was sticking me up for me and knew who i was (high five cute guy!) ok, so he did know i was there and he knew i could hear her, but nevermind! isn't it better to nip these things in the bud than be a bit of a silly moo about them?!

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