
By Gaydonp

A wedding down at the Riverbank State Park.

You can’t say a girl doesn’t get around. We came pelting down into NYC for Deb to go to a family picnic. A very hot and windy day.
I’m so worried about all the newly planted pots, boxes etc up on the deck. No rain forecast for days and temps up in the 90Fs on Wed. Hopefully a friend can water a bit.

Anyway this is up on 145 and Riverside Drive in NYC. Deb’s daughters had chosen this as a picnic place. Part of the park is on top of the sewage works, and distinctly whiffy a lot of the time. Had never been down below before.Coming in from a Demi-paradise, to a very loud and crowded area with very high winds was a bit of a shock.
But thought this was touching. A small wedding party appeared of a more than middle aged couple, and a little ceremony started.

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