Wrinkly (Day 2209)

It has been a day of rain. Heavy rain.
I headed across to Stromness after a wet wander up the hill with Sigyn, and gave the horses a bucket of feed each. They seemed thoroughly miserable in the rain. The first proper job of the day should have been a relatively simple exercise re-connecting a waste pipe which had popped out of its fitting. I have no idea how the original installer managed to get it to fit together. It was at least an inch short. With no waste pipe in the van I had to zoom to town to collect some, returning to Stromness and sorting the job.
Next a quick job fitting a pressure reducing valve, then home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn at Lyde. It absolutely hosed down with rain the entire time we were out. It was horrible. 
After drying off at home, I was back out to a job in Dounby to remove a radiator and fit an outside tap. I got totally drenched fitting the tap. 
Home to dry out and await the return from work of  my beautiful wife

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