New dining facilities for the birds

We have installed another bird feeder in our garden. We have positioned this one on the end of the shed so that anyone staying with us can watch the birds from the spare bedroom window. Also, if the birds are attracted to this end of the garden, they may also discover the insects that linger beside the compost box. The hook used here here is one that we found in the ground when moving soil earlier in the year. (Please note the healthy looking grass too!)

Paddy and Caitlin came for dinner this evening, so Mr hazelh and I spent part of the day preparing a feast: prawns cocktails; roast ham, carrots, parsnips and potatoes with cabbage; rhubarb (from Katharine's allotment) crumble. I sorted out the first two courses, and Mr hazelh the pudding. I also worked - mainly on the amendments to the journal article that was accepted on Tuesday.

There was an exciting wildlife sighting in the middle of this evening's meal. I wandered into our bedroom, looked out the window, and saw a fox checking the neighbours' gardens from their shared wall. At one point it jumped onto the big wall on the main street. I was really pleased that Mr hazelh, Paddy, and Caitlin witnessed all this with me. This is because the last time that I saw a (the?) fox on the wall above our pond (a couple of weeks ago), nobody was there to verify my sighting.

Exercise today: strength training.

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