
By Shirin317

Yavas, yavas...

Every Monday is an interesting experience in Turkish class... Some days I walk out feeling good and inspired and other days I walk out overwhelmed by how much more I need to learn. Today when we did this review activity from a few months ago and it felt easy, I realized that I am learning more than I think. Well that's good because we've covered three new verb forms in the past two classes and my hope is that I'll look back on them in a few month's time and feel the same! arak/erek, -meden, -madan, -ip, -up, etc, etc. - ahhh! Merril, juice and study date?

My favorite thing in Turkish from when I first started learning years ago: "ogretmek" is "to teach" and "ogrenmek" is "to learn" - the Turkish so highlights how close and intimately connected teaching and learning really is...

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