A Poem

I saw this the other day online.  It made complete sense to me as I feel this so very much,
amongst other things.

We have a secret you and I
That no one else shall know,
For who but I can see you lie
each night in the fireglow?

And who but I can reach my hand,
before we go To bed
And feel the living warmth of you
and touch your silken head?

And only I walk woodland paths
and see ahead of me,
Your small golden beauty, racing with the wind
so young again, and free.

And only I can see you swim
In every burn I pass.
And when I call, no one but I
Can see the bending grass.

Author Unknown, but it’s beautiful.

The big empty Breagha sized space is not in any way receding yet.  How is it possible that such a wee dog filled our hearts with so much love?  How I would love to feel this soft , silky fur, with her own special smell against my skin.

Old picture from 2009 when indeed Breagha did ‘race the wind’ .

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