Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I was too impatient and demoulded everything.

They aren't totally cured but fingers crossed.

I was also too impatient to pour as it's got more bubbles than it should.

The resin I used to use required measuring, this is just a 1:1 ratio one that I got from Amazon as I just wanted cheap to play with. Fingers crossed.

At 11 pm last night I was changing the sheets as little mouse had had an accident. I then realised he had a temperature. Then I found a single fluid filled spot. I am pretty sure he has chicken pox.

He is going to be so disappointed that he can't go to nursery again.

I think he has a few more spots now, but he won't let me look.

I went to Morrisons first thing to get paracetamol as all I had was ibuprofen and then crashed out the rest of the day with a migraine.

We have had chicken sandwiches for dinner instead of the planned roast.

Tired and no one particularly wanted to eat.

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