Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird


So glad to be nearly home after a heavy day. 
Following our first, at long last covid 19 vaccine we had lunch with A &ooV. Aged 85, following two years of bravely facing life after losing their only son, they are losing both both physical and mental strength. 
I brought V a box of lettuce seedlings because he is easily distracted by his garden and things that grow. 
Since the tragedy, A has directed her energy to the support of her bereft grand children, who now are well into their adult lives with  partners for life of their own and have less need of her, so she is totally lost. So sad.
The Titch had his first rugby match since the first covid lockdown. Chinchulan had a very sad and tearful morning, on hearing that a classmate had seriously injured himself in a road crash.
Good to be home, to  the dogs, Grace and Baldrick, who greet me by trying to nibble my ankles and arms. Baldrick was chosen as puppy to be a companion for a GS, who arrived more than a year later.
Grace was to be our last GS, given our age, and here we are, Baldrick 9 and Grace 8, we, 74 and 75, all everso so close and cozy and wondering what comes next.
Impermanence  comes next...

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