Starling Saturday...

Another day of Autumn/Winter weather in Spring/Summer!!  Has someone switched our calendars round?!

An early start for me though today as I went to the local leisure centre to have my first Covid jab! Cannot fault the system and very little waiting around involved - which helped!  Got back home and did a little pottering in the garden  before deciding to take things a bit easy - as instructed by the nurse who gave me the jab, along with telling me chocolate was prescribed too - I like her!!

Been  a bit up and down this afternoon - went through feeling really cold and chilly for about an hour, so hid under blankets with a hot water bottle and jumpers on! And I'm now switched to feeling really hot - so tempting to strip off haha!  Haven't fancied much for dinner so made do with a sausage sandwich! Guaranteed to fix all!

So the starlings have been a little extra loud today as I've not been on call to keep putting out extra food for them!

WEird coincidence time... as I sit here typing this and putting the radio on, the first song they played... Chills and Fever by John O'Malley (no I'd never heard of him either!)  - well played universe! Well played!! haha!!

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