A blow down Loch Ness

Off we set, up Muirton Locks, in that lovely soft Heilan’ drizzle. Before long we found ourself at Loch Ness in the dry and with sufficient wind for a sail. A difficult wind, dropping away and then gusting with considerable ferocity, sometimes on the port quarter, sometimes starboard. Arriving finally at Port Augustus it picked up again, blowing directly into the canal entrance. We blew in as far as we could (the sprayhood doubling as an unwanted sail) before executing a nifty u-turn and tying up head to wind. My gawd but it was wild.
Still, we ate in fine style at the Richmond Hotel (ok it’s a Chinese) before hitting the town’s top nightspot, the British Legion!
And thanks to the SK for the extra. The boys obviously weren’t looking in the right direction.

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