Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mystery object

Can you guess? It looks like a long way down. Or should that be up? Perspective is a tricky thing. 

The weather continues its wet and windy theme. I’ve never known a May like this. The BBC noted today that "In the short term, we seem stuck in this turbulent weather pattern, so there will be plenty more downpours. It will turn very windy for a time too...However, there are tentative signs from computer weather models that higher pressure could return by the end of the month, bringing a change to something a little drier." That sounds less than optimistic to me. It might be a bit better later. If a doctor said that to me about my health I would be checking out hospital ratings and buying extra pyjamas ...

Nothing to say about today. I worked, I walked, got wet and went into outer space with Brad Pitt. Gunfights on the moon, mad monkeys on the way to Mars, Brad being all moody and controlling. Typical sort of day for the moment. Oh there was a staff briefing and Q&A but it was a bit of a let down. We’re looking at options, we’ve not made any decisions. You might go back to work, you will go back to work, you can’t go back to work. We’re looking at agile working but stick with the fragile working for now. Rather like a No 10 Coronavirus briefing, you felt more confused afterwards than you did before.

The last of the bathroom rubbish has been taken away so things are back to normal inside and outside the house, which is good. Nice weekend in prospect. Maybe things are looking up ...

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