Carolina's journal

By Carolina


We will never know the secrets that pass between little girls and their dollies!   Miss Aria has named her Rose ( I think I might have said so before) and does really well with her.   I think they are becoming fast friends too.   It was lovely to see her today and hang out together.  She also brought lots of papers that she did in school which we hung on the empty fridge. 
  We finished the bench seat yesterday, so will have to blip it .  It all turned out great and the kids are very happy that we painted it blue and got rid of the yellow.  Apparently the kids hate yellow.  
   thanks for dropping by and thanks so much for the hearts and stars for my barn shot yesterday!    Blessings to each of you and happy week end!
  PS,....   I added the Kitchen Remodel shots.    I realized that  people that do re-upholstering must have quite a few tricks up there sleeves!!   I did a few mistakes but was able to fix them and glad it turned out good.  The walls were yellow and the bench seat was blue. 
    Joe and I are watching Pearl Harbor on DVD  and brings back memories of my Step Father telling me his first hand information about being in the attack on that Sunday.  He was 19 at the time.  Very traumatic. 

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