Some Days

By Euphemist

Pet Sheep

I've blipped this house before in different light, but I love the shape of this gable end against the sky with the hollow below.

Big favourite.

The sheep in the picture appear to be kept as pets, being of several breeds and very tame.

This reminds me of an interview I heard with Sir Macca spouting on about his vegetarian principles and how he still keeps sheep on his West of Scotland farm. He tells us that he only keeps them for their wool and lets them die naturally of old age. In the interview he laughs and tells us that people he invites to the farm see his sheep and ask what is so badly wrong with all his sheep. He chirrups as he replies, "Nothing wrong, they're just old"!

I have to remind myself that deep inside this idiot is the man who wrote Yesterday and Eleanor Rigby.

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