
What a day! Brilliant to see Ed properly and not behind glass and bars! He's so full of joy, it's beautiful to see! Various things had to happen this morning, so this afternoon was all about the beach and soaking up time together with the kids...unfortunately the kids soaked up enough that they're both a bit burnt on their faces...
I had church tonight up in Sa Penya - this is Chicho. He's deaf and lip reads, masks have been pretty awful for him. We had about half an hour together before people came, so it was good to catch up and pray together. During that time Chele ran out shouting for me, Sole was on a video call! So brilliant to have a quick chat!!
Home for roast chicken with everyone (blurry out of focus pic in extras) and then out for ice cream for D&E. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Ed being out of prison for these few days.
2) The sound of the sea.
3) Praying with friends up in Sa Penya.

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