
By cowgirl

Goosey goosey gander

Not sure if this is the gander or the goose.

The weather has so far been kind enough to mostly be fine in the mornings whilst I’m at work and long enough to get a walk in with Joy.

Today we chose a route starting and ending at Barton Marina, and as we wandered along the edge of one of the lakes we saw these cute little goslings. I’ve added a few extras of them and a pair of tufted ducks they were pattering around. The ducks didn’t seem to mind.

Not keen to go to the coffee shop there ... plus Joy had arrived before me and already sampled it. She’s nowhere near as fussy as me and even she wasn’t impressed ( maybe my influence has rubbed off on her?! ) so I’d brought a flask of coffee and the last bit of the Guinness and black cherry brownies. Joy wasn’t going to have one, being short on time but I convinced her she should. She was glad she did!

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