Fiona & Jim

Fiona & Jim came round for pre dinner glasses of Prosecco before they went out with my human for dinner tonight. I was really pleased to see them so I did a lot of 'silly puppy bouncing around and jumping on top of them'. In fact I was so 'bouncy', I got shut in the kitchen area a couple of times. Booohooo. Apparently even though I'm absolutely gorgeous, no one wants me jumping all over them??!!!

Mmmmmm............ I bet if you were a young collie pup and had been 'locked down' with Ann for more than 15 months, you'd be jumping all over whoever came into the house????

Anyway, I had to stay 'home alone' while Ann, Fiona & Jim went out for dinner. They went to 'Papilio' and had the most yummy meal and didn't bring me back any little titbits.

Fiona & Jim (who live in Aberdeen) paid for Ann's meal as a 'thank you' for all the shopping Ann did for Fiona's mum (who was shielding) during first lock down. That was totally unnecessary because in first lock down, shopping for Fiona's mum, really was the highlight of Ann's week. It was the only time she went out in the car, it was the only time that she knew she would be allowed to speak to someone in real life, (even if it was just a 10 min chat on the doorstep). In first lock down we didn't have support bubbles and it was the only time I got left 'home alone'. It seems incredible now to look back on how life was a year ago.....................

….................At the start of first lock down everybody seemed to be following the rules and yet now, more than 15 months on........................ society seems to have divided into two groups.............

a) Those who are actually extremely fed up with the whole thing and just want to get back to normal, no matter what the consequences


b) Those who have become very scared and afraid to go out even though they've had both vaccines.

….............My human doesn't think that life will never, ever go back to what it was.

Thank goodness I'm a dog. As long as I'm loved, walked and fed, I'm happy!!!

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