A Day Off

I've surprised myself with how much walking I've been able to do over the past couple of weeks since we've been here in Suffolk. Some days have been harder than others, but there are no hills to contend with here - unlike at home. I was ready for a day off today, and as the weather has been very windy and mostly dull all day, I thought I'd catch up a bit on a bit of relaxation and reading.
The cottage we are staying in has quite a large garden, and I've counted 16 species of bird whist we've been here. Not so different from the birds at home in many cases, although there is a notable absence here of Starlings and House Sparrows. At home I think we've only ever had a single record of a Mistle Thrush, but here, we see one regularly foraging on the grass for insects. I love the way they tilt their heads to listen, then plunge their beaks into the ground to capture a tasty morsel.
Tomorrow is our last day. Hopefully the weather won't be too unkind and we can fit in one more walk before packing up for an early departure on Saturday.

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