Drip,Drip, Drip...
Snowed last night and was very beautiful outside this morning but the sun has been out all day and melted it all away.
So what fabulous things have I been up to today? Let me see...
1. Tidied kitchen, emptied and reloaded dishwasher.
2 Spent the morning on householdy admin tasks.
3. Phone calls to arrange various things to happen at our old house before the new folk move in on Friday.
4. Read and amended Alan's support plan in time for meeting tomorrow re. the new carer that's joining us soon.
5. Made French toast for lunch.
6. Watched an episode of Homes under the Hammer.
7. Realised I was running out of time to grab a blip so you get my dripping tap.
I should also have done a pile of ironing but skillfully managed to put that off. That means I will have to do it this evening when I am even less in the mood. Doh!
Now about to put Alan's dinner on.
Then I shall have to recline a while. The excitment of it all is just too much.
Tell me why...
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