Gaggle of Geese and a Very Special Hug

Went to lunch with my dad's cousin C, a very dear lady whom I genuinely like. The time flew as we blethered for hours over lunch (hearty platefuls of fish and chips). These geese wandered in the farm garden as we talked. When I got to her house C suggested that a hug would be allowed. We hugged deeply. It was her first hug in 18 months. That was rather special.

Home to take my boy to judo but he bailed with a pleading phone call - he was too tired after cricket after school. He doesn't usually cry off and did indeed go for a nap (again not like him). I told him 'no judo meant no online gaming' and he accepted. Actually had a very fun family game later that evening which he'd created on postits. Was creative and funny and was all good humoured. Lovely moment.

Then a good old fashioned telephone call (mobile to landline) with my Aunt K in Texas. Oh we blethered easily and on. It was so good to have conversation flow. Stories coming out about ice cream purchases by a newly qualified driver, supernatural or certainly spiritual stories, words said at a wedding, family faltered emigrations, just family stories in passing. All so crucial. Had discovered in email to this aunt that her father, my grandfather, had died of a brain tumour (mis-diagnosed as sunstroke) which neither me nor my brothers had known. Odd what you don't know.

Tomorrow is the long awaited 20th of May. The portobello townhall (Porty Central) decision day......the official papers released last Friday recommend approval by committee of our bid, subject to 20 minute neighbourhood conversations. They rated it 'excellent'. The hardwork really begins if this goes as planned.


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