
By strawhouse

Stormy Skies

Miss E was feeling a lot better this morning thankfully so it was off to school with her. She was a bit miffed - understandably I think - that they had to go in along with the Year 7s when the rest of the school had a day off for GCSE moderation.  Plans for the day included a tour of the school (??? They've been there for nearly two years!!), PE, counselling sessions and mindfulness! 
She messaged at 9am to say: OMG we have to wear name labels to go to lessons with teachers we've known for 2 yrs. Pls can I come home already?
Before telling her to get off her chuffing phone before she got another detention, I told her to mess with their heads and write Lucy on her label. She said she'd already thought of that!!!
I took Archie out for a walk after lunch. It was sunny when we left. Five minutes out of the car the heavens opened and I got soaked to the skin. It didn't bother Archie (see extras) 
Once I was completely drenched the sun came out again. 
Then it started raining again. 
Then there was thunder.
Then the sun came out again.
We were both so soaked I didn't bother going home before going to get Miss L. Instead I went half an hour early to let Archie dry off in his bed in the boot and to blast myself with the heaters to dry my sopping jeans.
I sat in the car park listening to Hercule Poirot and drinking tea. And trying to ignore the wet dog smell!
I dropped Miss L and Archie back at home and then went to pick up Miss E and her friend Miss J from town. They went for ice creams after school. which they clearly enjoyed,  The day sounded better than they were expecting but they found the yoga/gong banging/soul searching a bit hippy-dippy!!
Miss E did get elected to the school council as the Aspirations representative. She played it down but was clearly quite pleased with herself.

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