Dodging the Showers

Richard headed out for a trip to see a Physiotherapist with his calf problem. Some deep massage helped break down some scar tissue and he certainly was walking a lot easier this afternoon. However his journey home was disrupted by on going gas works at the main roundabout in Pickering. 

In the meantime I managed to finish the preparation of the attic window. It may have been easier to have the window replaced but I am enjoying my own Repair Shop restoration on the Edwardian window.

Some heavy thundery showers passed over this afternoon. We were very lucky to time our dog walk in between them. This buttercup strewn field is in its prime. I decided to take this photo today as the cattle were in the field and I suspect will munch their way through the field in next to no time. The ridges are remnants of a ridge and furrow farming system.

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