POG's Journal


New video day…

Hi Everyone,

I am pleased to report that I don’t believe I had any side effects from the second COVID jab I had yesterday… having said that it is a little difficult to work out if I have as I generally ache all the time and am quite tired due to my erratic sleeping. Thank goodness I am not a horse – lol.

Spoke with my daughter today… she is doing okay now; the US green card people have acknowledged her renewal application which is good to have ticking away in the background. Her mum is neither getting better or worse, she has some doctor’s appointments nearer the end of the month.

Not been to the workshop today but I will return there early tomorrow and have a full day of moving stuff… My nephew is going to come and help with the heavier bits and bobs then hopefully we can get the forklift to do the super heavy stuff next week…

A new video when out today with the stickers I have shown today and yesterday… the episodes are called “Hotchpotch” as they are a mixture of all things… they are never received to well… being a bit of a minnow in the YouTube world if I can get 200 views in the first week of a video, I am generally happy.

On the coaching front we are hoping to have someone from the Welsh national team there on Friday… As it is an outdoor velodrome fingers crossed it won’t rain…

Jacket spuds for dinner tonight… WOW I live the high life for a retired international diamond smuggler…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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