In a land where public transport is king, taxi's are a bit of a luxury but whilst they may be expensive, taxi's in Japan are reliable, clean and in tip top condition. There is no danger of you ever being cheated by a cab driver and there's not the 'tourist rate' scam that is common in other countries.
In addition drivers are smart; wearing peaked caps and white gloves (I kid you not!) and my very favourite part is when you want to get in a taxi the cab's rear door is opened and closed remotely by the driver (see the pic!) Furthermore, there's no tricky tipping as it's included in the fare.
The only downside is the language barrier so it pays to collect business cards from your favourite bars & restaurants and have your own made up so you can get safely home ;)
Any time three New Yorkers get into a cab without an argument, a bank has just been robbed.
Phyllis Diller
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