Hummer or Chickadee?!

I had witnessed a chickadee drinking at the hummingbird feeder a few times but was finally able to capture one in the act.  Who would have thought?!

Today has been a most frustrating day on a couple of different fronts.  I have been working on the Wavy Seed Bead bracelet and have done a good portion of it several times and then just cut it up as the tension was just not right.  If I don't finally manage to get it tomorrow, then I will move on to something else.

When I went to renew my prescription for my Plegridy (my MS disease modifying drug) it was denied by the insurance company.  My doctor did a "pre-auth" through the system and it was denied.  So that was appealed.  Today I learned the appeal has been denied.  Ugh!

The insurance company is saying that I must choose from their list of MS drugs and only after I have tried two of them and had adverse reactions to them will they pay for me to have my Plegridy.  What is so crazy about all this is that the MS drug all have close to the same annual cost.

What my insurance company is trying to make me do is one of the things that I have been actively lobbying to get a bill passed to make illegal.  

I'm taking my frustration and heading to bed now since I have finished compiling my spreadsheet with the drugs the insurance company is offering, the side affects, the form (oral/inj/IV) etc and I will go over the pros and cons with Kent and then my neurologist   Ugh.  Did I say that already?!

Take care of yourself and each other xx

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