'Finders keepers' & back into 'TIERS'

Look what I found in the park today. A fabulous tennis ball. Normally I don't really like tennis balls because they're not very bouncy. This one was super bouncy. Yay!  I carried it all the way home and put it into my toy basket.

And in other news......................... Boris is now talking about putting England back into 'TIERS'???  Seriously????............... Nicola's already done that. Grrrrr.......... Glasgow & the Moray region haven't been allowed to move out of Tier 3. So what's happening?......................... Train loads of people from these areas are flocking into the Tier 2 areas to socialise with their mates and have a meal and a few alcoholic drinks. The system is mad!!! There may be a new Indian variant lurking around but there's far too many people 'breaking the rules' to contain it. ….......Ann's guess is; we'll be back in 'LOCKDOWN' within a few weeks.

Surely after more than 15 months, we all just need to learn to live with this. COVID (in whatever form) is NOT going to go away.

All the most vulnerable/elderly people in society have now had both of their vaccines so why can't we all start to get on with our lives again?

Think of the 'Spanish Flu' that killed millions worldwide in 1918. …................And there were no 'daily briefings' or daily updates on how many people were infected/died.

Instant internet access to COVID info is great, but actually it also creates a lot of 'scaremongering'????

Lets all just get back to normal. …....................And if you're too scared to go out; then don't go out.

Personally, my human doesn't want to stay at home. She's happy to go out and risk getting COVID but that's her opinion. She also respects the opinion of people who don't want to go out. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

COVID is NOT going to go away, so we all just need to learn to live with it in whatever way that we think best. xx

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